24 September 2006

First post

Hey, so here we are again and it's that familiar feeling of blogging optomisim - this time my thoughts are gonna be captured perfectly and set in virtual stone of the intermaweb... we'll see.
Yeah, but anyways, I'm thinking that this one may be less personal than previous efforts, as even though I do enjoy ranting, it's always nice to have people read your thoughts and leave their 2 cents.
Also I read a quick guide to blogging which has given me a renewed effort to tell the story of my life to the masses of the Internet, we'll see how short-lived it is, but it's overdue as I haven't really muttered anything since leaving University and well quite a lot of stuff has happened, or at least to sum up in a paragraph :D

Anyways again, this will do for now, and I'll do a proper one later. Expect great things...

JC out.