24 May 2007

OCD [Dated 09/05/07]

Hey peeps, carrying on with the concentrated blogging I'd thought I'd bring your attention to OCD, but definitely a light-hearted look as I'm not attempting to make new discoveries etc.

Anyways, I got thinking about this the other day, and it seemed something I could write a paragraph or two, and thus is worthy of blogging.
My mate Eric bought boxsets for a daytime tv show Monk, you may have heard of it, but if not the premise of the show is this guy, last name Monk, who is a police detective, and also has OCD, which it so happens he finds himself using quite often to solve the bizarre cases which always seem to come his way. My point is not about the show, but my mate Eric, bless him, after watching a lot of this show is convinced he has some OCD traits like having to have his stack of DVDs neatly ordered, with the bind facing outwards etc.

I told Eric that this isn't really OCD behaviour but he won't have it, and he seems proud in his own little way. Anyways, I was thinking, do I exhibit any kind of behaviour like that? Behaviour that under Eric's definition is classed as OC behaviour?
At the time of Eric watching all this Monk, nothing came to mind, but recently the thought re-emerged, and I do have a few. These will probably sound daft but these seem a little OC to me. The first one that struck me was the way I eat chips. I don't know how long I have done as it seems like forever and I can't remember when I started to do it, but when I have chips, I actually eat them in size order, from smallest to largest, and I actually get a little annoyed if I discover smaller chips than the ones I've just eaten - pretty weird, and I do it without thinking.
Another similar OC thing I do, is when paying for something, like a train ticket or something similar, basically something that has me waiting with money in hand to make the purchase. I find myself arranging the money (it can only be done with coins I guess :D) in my hand in size order, so smaller coins lie "above" the larger coins - i.e. if I were to take the money in my hand and lay it on the table, it would form a "tower of coins" if you like, from large coins at the bottom to smaller ones as you go higher.

Another OC thing, which is probs the least weird, is my obsession with having my mp3s tagged correctly, and getting annoyed with downloaded ones that stand out in a winamp playlist, due to bad tags. Following on from that there is the file structure which must be maintained for my music directories. That being Artist/Album/Song. Also the naming convention must be exact for the song files. That being [tracknumber][space][song title(in full)].mp3. The tracknumber must also be prefixed with a 0 if less than 10, obviously. I am not a fan of having tracknumber, space, dash, space songtitle. It all seems rather wasteful, and pointless as it does not contribute any information.
I'm sure there are couple of OC behaviour which I do without thinking, and thus haven't been able to isolate them by posing myself the question, what OC behaviour do I exhibit?

Take it Easy.