11 July 2007

From Brum to fatherhood (...is my ticket still valid?)

Hey all, got some more scary news to share with the intermaweb.  A week last Sunday (my how time flies :S) I met up with Wilson in Brum for some catching-upness and general merriment.  After going to a few of the regular haunts like the nicer of the two Spoons and getting some grub, possibly fueled by the harder drink, we thought it would be cool to try out a few new and random watering holes.

Well we didn't get that far in all fairness.  We went to O'Neill's which I believe is a part of a chain of bars, a franchise if you will, but it wasn't too bad.  Following that we went down the road about 50 metres to find a new bar called "Walkabout".  Encouraged by the promise of a cider festival which as it happened started that very same day, we popped in to check it out.  Confronted with two Australians behind the bar it prompted the question, "Do you have to be an Australian to work here?" to which the reply was, "No, but it helps...".  One random fruit of the forests cider and some Australian rugby later, it was time to move on again.  It was at this point, that the evening was starting to draw to a close, and I thought best to be off, it was a Sunday, and the trains get really bad late on in the evening. 

We checked in at New Street, realising we had some time to grab another, although good ol' Wilson reckoned we have time for two rounds, mmmm.  Anyways, as it turned out we went to the other Spoons, although it was for a pint of Old Rosie, which is slowly building up the rep it held when I was back at Uni - which is pretty awesome.

That single pint of Old Rosie was proving tougher than originally planned, so had to develop some speed drinking, and bless, I had to help Wilson finish his.  Realising that we had to really go, as in leave about 3 or 4 mins ago, we left at a brisk pace back towards New Street.  I got to my platform and did a little jogging to my train, which was not needed as the train sat there for about another 10mins, grrr, it's so undignified to run for public transport, but I thought I had no choice, alas.


So there I sat on the train on my way back home, beer slowly digesting, and feeling pretty good about the brief hours spent in Brum, when uh oh! thanks to breaking the seal in one of the earlier bars, I had to go on the train itself.  Now that is a challenge all on it's own, especially on the older carriages, where it is incredibly bumpy and rickety - would people understand if I had made a mess of myself?  Anyways, on the way down to the train loo, I spotted an old friend John Jones from school.  Once I got back I grabbed my bag and sat with him to catch up on what was happening at his end, which I have not done at all properly - I've seen John getting off the train I get on to get home from work, but that's about it.


Anyways, so I got chatting with John, and the reason why he's on the train comes up.  As he tells me, he's on his way back from Kent, which as he stresses is an 8 hour trip and not an enjoyable one.  He continues, and as it turns out, he met a girl when absolutely wasted down in London some time ago, and all he remembers is waking up in this girl's house in Kent.  But the first bombshell is that he has only gone and got this girl pregnant, so she is now with child. I'm not actually sure of the timings and John wasn't completely specific but it seems that the wasted adventure John had in London could well have led to the conception of this child.

I actually asked John, "so do you love this girl?" to which he was especially non-committing and kinda shrugged it off, "Yeah, I gotta" or words to that effect, it was late, and I was liquored up remember.

Scary stuff, so another old friend has joined the list of people who have, or about to start a family.  I was probably in shock for a lot of the rest of the journey.  I often get worried that I'm not growing up like I should, and hearing of people having children does nothing to dissuade that view on my life.  I'm 22 now and although I do believe I have changed considerably in the last year, I still do not feel anywhere near mature enough to raise a child - the question to throw out there is, will I ever feel mature enough?  That's probably how it would all end up, me winging it and potentially screwing up the child's life.  Ah well, it won't be the only one hey? :D  Adding to that, I don't feel the want or need for raising a child right now, so even if I did achieve the maturity, there's no way I'd be up for a child, the whole thing scares me :S


Here's waiting for them to invent maturity pills...