23 September 2008

You can't change your family...

And myself, I wouldn't want to. My family are awesome, I love them very much. Just this weekend, I moaned/reported to my family the grief I've been having with some DIY issues in my house. Namely, a broken door handle that has been so for what feels like forever, and recently the handle of my toilet shearing and snapping off, leaving with having to operate the toilet within its very bowels (pun intended). I had a go to fix both myself, but as it goes, I lack the misfortune to purchase replacements which don't quite fit exactly, and the tools to put them right. My family jumped to the rescue and said they would come visit the following day - awesome!

An afternoon of DIY-oriented fun with my Grandad, and the rest of the family helping clear up my neglected garden was the outcome and am very happy with the results. It also has become tradition for them to bring some supplies, amongst which are a number of quiches cooked by my Nan (again awesome!). It's not said enough, but I very much appreciate the support and efforts of my family. As anyone who knows me quite well, they would describe me as being close with my family, and that has grown with the events of the last year; me living on my own for the very first time and the accompanying ineptitude to make new friends in a strange new county. I am on the phone much more often, and although I do tend to regress back to a child in their company, it's still really nice to be around them.

Although my family don't fully understand the tech/computing stuff I want to do for a living or looking into the past, my wish to take Computer Science as a degree, they are(were) in support of all that, and no doubt will continue to do so in the future, whatever decisions I decide to take.

Just a short and sweet post really to say how much my family rock. It's a little cliched (and kinda broken logically) but you don't miss it till it's gone. I think the lesson to take away is a reminder not to take things for granted, and remember to show credit where it's due.