9 December 2008

Blog Update Dec '08

It's been over a month since I last blogged so a quick update just in case the Internets think I'm dead.

There is only a finite time available every day, and while we're making do with the 7 day week (gave a thought to turning it into 6, could it be done!?) it means that something has to give, and the last month, it has been the blog.
Recently I've made a renewed effort to improve my attendance down at the gym, which I've had some degree of success. Add to that the fact that this last quarter has given us so many high quality games and even with the extra time devoted to this vice, there's still a fair number I need to try. Expect some Insert Coins about them all soon (probably in the next year :s) but I will add now that Left 4 Dead, a co-op first person shooter set in the wake of a zombie apocalypse is probably the greatest gaming experience this year, plus thanks to Gamestation's Christmas offers, I am soon picking up Fallout 3, so looking forward to that as well.

Also, I'm falling more and more behind with the podcast reviews as well, so will make a bigger effort to catch up. Plus (I may have used the word too many times!?) I'm thinking of setting up a new themed set of posts covering Film and TV, inspired a great deal by Billy of geekytalk.wordpress.com. Plus (the last time I promise...), I may finally get my very own Podcast/audioblog off the ground, and throw in some personal musings, rants, whatever I feel like etc

Hope to post soon, but if not, happy holidays! :D