2 September 2007

Hey! Who stole my post!?

Another post and more playing about with some blogger hacks.
This time it's the advent of post summaries. Not long after the birth of this blog, I've thrown some fairly large posts at it, and well even the author yours truly, has found them a bit daunting to go through.
Enter post summaries, hopefully a solution to the whole problem, and also a producer of more clicks on the blog (which for me obsessing over site tracking statistics, can only be a good thing!).
The idea works by again relying on CSS and good ol' "span" elements to seperate up the post in question

and then place a "read more!" link on the page, hopefully just like the one you clicked, and then you'll be taken to the whole glorious post and the treasures that lie within.
Unfortunately, this is just a bit of a trial so there are no goodies this time, but keep clicking and you're bound to win - get hit by lightning a couple of times to increase your chances further..

Here's thinking what else can be done to this blog which is not actually content-based?!?!...