22 September 2007

You don't have to be mad to work here...


ut don't worry training will be provided.  That is indeed what Simon from work (that sounds a little weird to say that just yet...) told me on my first day.  Two days in and still not anymore comfortable I have to say.  Today was spent attending the training course for the software product (known as "Prestwood" or "Professional") that users/financial planners would normally attend.

The first day was a real onslaught, a barrage if you will of financially technical information, and today was a day spent actually using the product which I will be providing support for in just a few weeks time, mmm not at all scary there...

It was very productive in a way to actually get the experience with the product itself.  It is a very powerful product which obviously has to cope with all the possibilities out there which can be done with money, or capital as I should really call it lol.

A lot of the day was spent running through a case study, so that equaled lots of data entry.  It wasn't so bad a day, it was still a lot of information to take in, and I don't think it's gonna ease up for a while.  This guy, Chris, the other guy along with Simon that is based in the same room as me did actually say that we are not expected to know the complete ins and outs of being a financial advisor because if we did then we could do the job itself - all that is expected of us is to master the software and get it doing what it should be doing.

As an unexpected bonus, we went off to this pub for lunch on the company.  It's actually been my first proper meal since moving into this B and B in Stourbridge if I'm completely honest.  Yep, we took a short drive out of Kinver with Diana, the trainer, and the two ladies, Lynn and Sue, who were on the course to the Fox Inn - a nice little place hidden away on a small road running through some woodland.  We got a look at the menu beforehand, and well a lot of it was unsuitable for me so that really shortened my options.  I did opt for the steak, which upon arrival was told that it was being done medium, which would have been fine.  In actual fact, the steak was pretty rare, very bloody in places, tough to cut and very chewy = not the most enjoyable meal.

My free time is spent catching up on TV shows.  I started watching season 1 of Curb Your Enthusiasm and have finished it off in the last day or two.  I actually looked to see if I could find some other seasons on the ol' intermaweb but to no avail.  I've now started watching, or rather rewatching Heroes.  I watched a load off the back of a recommendation from my good friend Adam (thank you buddy) but then stopped when I went to Coventry for the course at JBC.  It then got aired on BBC2 and I again started to watch it from the beginning there, but lost track even quicker than the first time thanks to people's drinking habits getting more and more unhinged.  But this time through I promise I'll see it through, especially considering that season 2 of said show begins airing in a few weeks, possibly sooner.

It only dawned on me today that once I have moved in, I will have to sort out an Internet connection.  A lot of my stuff won't be moved in to this new place until not this weekend, but the following weekend which will be only slightly less lame than my current situation in the B and B.

Here's putting an end to my rambling...


Rob said...

Dude, just a quick comment to say congrats on your job :D Sounds hardcore though...

Also, are you coming to Idlewild?
