9 April 2008

Big up the Graffiti snaps!

I'm enjoying the artsy habit I've developed of taking snaps of cool bits of graffiti or silly/cool phrases on signs that I spot on my travels. I popped a few on facebook, and this one has been getting a load of attention:

Stupid sign in the woods

This picture can be seen, along with others like it can be seen on my flickr page which can be found here at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimiminar/ so go check them out.
At the moment, they have all been taken on my phone camera with questionable quality. The plan is to purchase a compact digital camera so I can have it on my person literally all the time. I think it would be a very cool habit to have a camera, see something smart, take a snap, and then stick it up on my flickr page, literally every day. Of course these snaps can be seen in the slideshow in the left sidebar, but check the flickr page for full screen goodness.