19 April 2008

Time to tighten my belt...

No, this is not a topical rant brought on by the credit crunch, and/or my failed efforts to produce a proper budget, but rather more of a literal statement concerning my jeans etc. Yes, I mentioned a fair way back (about January) that I signed up for the local gym, and whilst I haven't managed to go as often as I would like, my efforts have gradually taken their toll (in a good way) on my body. I've been caught out without belt twice now, the most recent being today when I was carting my prescription home - it effectively doubled my trip, having to stop to pull up my jeans to stop them falling down altogether in public, oh dear how embarrassing that would be.

It first became apparent when I went home for Easter, and whilst round Eric and Karlie's, I spotted the scales and decided to check my weight. Now, I had weighed myself on the first time I went to the gym, and upon weighing myself at Easter, I had come down from 12 and 1/2 stone to around 11 and 3/4 stone. I was pretty chuffed at that. To add to the ego boost was my good buddy Carl's comments on how slimmer I was now looking. It's rather cool, and as it has been such a gradual thing it's been much less obvious for myself. It's quite terrible looking back at some older photos and see how how much fatter I was in the face especially. I think around about the time of my graduation I probably hit my peak weight, captured forever in my graduation snaps. And to make matters worse, my Nan insisted that I take one of graduation photos with me to hang up in my place here. First off, the photos were for my family not for myself, you have to be very vain to have pictures of yourself hanging up in your own home. Second, as I just said, I was quite a lot fatter in the face, so it's not fun to be reminded of that. And the bonus third reason being, that I generally don't photograph well (must be the subject matter /emo) - the photographer wasn't happy until I showed some teeth whilst smiling, although he never said as much, so I actually look a little uncomfortable having to hold a smile for so long.

"Smile! Come on, really smile!"
(under my breath) I am smiling you jackass.
[inadvertedly shows teeth] "There you go!"

Anyways, I'm going all OT. Yeah, so personally I've noticed it on the ol' face, mainly the cheeks and the chin, a lot more defined than they used to be. I've also noticed it in some of the clothes I wear. Some of my older shirts I have a 17" collar, but that is a lot looser now, the recent shirts I've bought now have 16.5" collar, and I could easily now take 16" collar to be honest. Also, how cool do black shirts look? Hell yeah. It's also noticeable in the belt I wear to work. A few months back I asked to get some new holes pierced into it, as the tightest hole was still quite loose. Now, those two holes are getting a bit loose now hehe.

Getting back to the gym and the other week I got back in from work, changed into my gym clothes as is my habit, this time putting on my Oakley shorts which I clearly had not worn for some time. Fast forward to myself on the treadmill and I'm noticing them starting to fall, oh dear I thought. Had to bring the jog to a close to avoid making an ass of myself, literally.

So overall, I very pleased with my progress, it's been quite gradual but consistent so I'm really starting to reap the rewards. As it was pointed out to myself quite some time ago. It's always better to be fit and healthy, you don't get sick as often, the long climb up the stairs is nowhere near as taxing, and clothes fit better - all this combines to an improved self esteem. I'm not quite sure I'm a completely changed person, but I'm getting there and I really do feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.